Case Studies

Father-Son Duo Keep Tradition Alive for 30 Years at La Barca Restaurant

Jun 27, 2023 | 12 min read

If you ever find yourself in the heart of New York City, a visit to La Barca Restaurant is highly recommended. And we're not just saying that because they're a longtime Otter user! With an extensive, bilingual menu featuring a variety of delectable dishes, La Barca provides an affordable, diverse dining experience. From mouthwatering Mangú to flavorful Dominican soup and classic red beans and rice, there's something to satisfy every craving.

What makes La Barca even more special is that it's a family business led by owner Aurelio Oliveres and his son Oswaldo. We had the opportunity to sit down with this duo to delve into the story behind La Barca, the challenges of running a restaurant in the bustling NYC scene, and their experience operating a family business. Of course, we couldn't resist asking if they've had any celebrity encounters at their location near Yankee Stadium, either! 

Get ready to discover the insights from our Q&A session with Oswaldo and Aurelio as they discuss using Otter to enhance their restaurant operations.

Tell us about your experience in the restaurant industry and the story of La Barca.


Well, my dad should answer that! The restaurant has been here for 60 years, and it has been under his name for at least 30 years. 


Sure, it was quite a few years ago. We are talking about 1993 to the present. In September, it will be 30 years. Opening a restaurant for the first time was quite challenging, especially without much help or support. Comparing the past to the present, small businesses nowadays receive more assistance, whereas back then there was none of that.


Bueno pues ya fue hace bastantes años. Estamos hablando del 93 hasta la fecha. Ahora en septiembre voy a tener 39. Ya hay mucha más experiencia, abrir un restaurante por primera vez es medio difícil cuando uno no tiene la ayuda o el soporte, como los tiempos de antes a los tiempos de ahora. Ahora se ayuda más a los pequeños negocios, antes no existía nada de eso, o ayudaban menos.


Just to add to what he said, it was really difficult in the beginning, but we have managed to stay open for so many years. Time evolves, things change. That includes the rise of online delivery apps like DoorDash, Uber Eats, GrubHub, and Postmates. We adapted to these changes by incorporating tablets for each of these platforms. 

It was mind-blowing to have everything in one device [with Otter]. Additionally, the introduction of virtual restaurants and online ordering has been amazing for us. We have witnessed a lot of changes in how we operate, from accepting credit cards to now having an online presence. It's been quite a journey.

Ham and cheese sandwich from La Barca Restaurant In New York.

It was just Father’s Day. What’s it like working together as a family?


Well, patience is key. I am who I am because of my dad and mom. My dad taught me to be humble and hard-working and to always do the right thing. You know, there's no point just doing things halfway. And also the ethics when it comes to working and how to cheat people.  And like I was telling him, I love him, and he doesn't communicate much sometimes, but he's my dad. And he's my inspiration of why, like, I want to grow this business, have my own business.  

So, it's been a good last three years, you know, even with COVID and my interpersonal level, financial level, and everything.


Working together allows us to spend more time together, both at home and at work. We get to share more, and it strengthens our bond. Instead of just seeing each other when we go home, we have more hours together at the restaurant. It's been a positive experience for me so far. And I feel very proud because now I have stepped back a little more due to illness and back issues. I can no longer work as before, and [I tell Oswaldo] you are the one who has taken the lead. It is a pride for a father that his son continues running a small business and that it's still part of the family. 

I feel happy with how you [Oswaldo] have behaved, how you have entered the business, and the maturity you have acquired, even more than me. I was 27 years old when I entered the business, now I am 56, and we are practically in the same system. You entered much younger than me, and if we keep up the pace and follow the routine and the business is maintained, we hope to last many more years with God's help.


E he sentido bien porque los trabajos se dividen en la familia y por medio del trabajo compartimos más. Nos vemos en la casa y en el trabajo, y más que una familia, nos llevamos bien. Para mí ha sido positivo hasta la fecha. Y ahora me siento muy contento y orgulloso porque prácticamente he estado un poco más retirado por enfermedad y problemas de espalda. Ya no puedo trabajar como antes y tú [Oswaldo] eres el que ha tomado la batuta y es un orgullo para un padre que el hijo siga manejando un pequeño negocio y que las cosas sigan en familia.

Me siento contento de cómo te [Oswaldo] has comportado, cómo has manejado el negocio, la madurez que has tomado, incluso más que yo. Yo entré a los 27 años, ahora tengo 56, y estamos prácticamente en el mismo sistema. Tú entraste muchísimo más joven que yo, y si seguimos el paso y la rutina, y el negocio se mantiene, esperemos durar muchos años más con la ayuda de Dios.

Any standout memories over the years?


There's a story related to charity that my dad can tell. He has always been passionate about helping and giving to others. In Spanish, we say "un granito de arena" which means that everyone contributes a small part, and together it can make a difference. Dad, could you share a memorable experience, like the time you combined food and music? How did you come up with that idea?


In the first year, I started an activity where we had a small band playing merengue music, and we offered half-price food to attract customers. The idea came to me because I've always been active and curious, constantly learning something new. Whenever I visit other businesses, I learn from them. 

This activity became a tradition, and we continued it year after year, organizing a party with half-price food. We did this for several years until it slowed down a bit. However, for our upcoming 30th anniversary in September, we're considering bringing it back.


El primer año empecé a hacer una actividad con un grupito tocando merengue y la comida a mitad de precio para atraer clientes. Esa idea salió de mí, pues siempre he sido muy activo desde niño, y me gusta aprender, todos los días aprendo algo nuevo. Cada vez que voy a los negocios estoy aprendiendo.

Esa es una actividad que se me ocurrió y lo hacía año tras año, una fiesta y la comida a mitad de precio. Eso lo hice hasta los veinte y pico de años. Después se paró, pues la cosa comenzó a bajar un poco, pero vamos a ver si para los 30 lo volvemos a hacer, para septiembre si Dios lo permite.


Just to add to what he said, my dad continued this tradition for 20 years. I've been involved in running the restaurant for the past 10 years, and it was a bit challenging when I first came back. We made some changes, but the concept of half-price food and a celebration every September remained. Music and free food were always part of the event. I even remember one year when we offered free soda and water, as we don't serve alcohol. 

I also have my own vision and mission for the restaurant, so hopefully we do that. My dad sold food for half price, but I’m going to give away at least 50 meals to people in need.

How has your experience with Otter been so far? Are there any specific features you like?


We started using Otter in August 2020. From the start, the most amazing part was having everything all together in one tablet. The tablet can be disconnected from the printer and still print orders. That’s a great feature! The printer is so well-configured that it doesn’t require the tablet.  

The next and biggest feature for me is Menu Management. It’s so amazing. Like, imagine when we ran out of cups. I still have the lemonade going around, but Otter will just eliminate this cup size on all three of our platforms in a minute. It loads a little bit and removes it right away. You can put [an item] as “available today” or as just indefinitely available until you un-click it.  

There’s also the fact that we close for an hour to change our oil and freshen up the kitchen. The Menu Management feature allows you to just pause all the items for a second, an hour, or 15 minutes. But the reason it’s also crazy to me is that before, [managing menus] used to be a daily thing. As a 24-hour restaurant, these are amazing features.

When it comes to support service, I have no complaints at all. The Support team is top-notch. They’re always active. It wasn’t like they just didn’t bother and let me go. They were always there. One time, when I got logged out, it was resolved within an hour. And even when I got logged out, the printer still printed the orders, so I was fine. I was worried that if the printer didn't print, I’d be screwed. But after I logged back in, everything started running smoothly again.

Rice and chicken and salad from La Barca Restaurant in NYC.

What are the top three must-have items from La Barca?


One of our top three items would be our boneless breaded chicken, known as "sin hueso, con harina y tostones" in Spanish. It's a simple dish, but incredibly popular. Another favorite is our mofongos, which are smashed plantains with various toppings like chicken, cheese, or Dominican sausage. 

We're also known for our mangú, which is made from soft plantains and resembles mashed potatoes. When it comes to drinks, our natural juices like Madi, Sonia, and orange juice are also highly recommended.


For me, our top three dishes would be our mangú, sancocho, and chicken.


Para mí, nuestros tres mejores platos serían el mangú, el sancocho, y el pollo.

What advice would you give to other restaurant owners?


That they all work together. If everyone worked together it would be much better. Mostly, in the majority of restaurants, each person works independently, and that's why most of them disappear. Because we try to turn it into a competition and we end up  damaging the business. If we work together, things work better. That is what I recommend.

Those who are just starting out have a huge advantage. Now there are a lot more systems. Now there are delivery apps that didn't exist before. So the first thing is to work together, because wherever [restaurateurs] are, they will not be alone. There will always be competition, and the competitors are good because they help each other and help us, and they're loyal. That is what I would recommend to people who are going to open a new business.

Que trabajen unidos todos. Si todos trabajaran unidos todo sería mucho mejor. Mayormente, en la mayoría de los restaurantes, cada quien trabaja independiente, por eso la mayoría desaparecen. Porque tratamos de llevar una competencia y lo que hacemos es dañar el negocio. Si trabajamos unidos, las cosas caminan mejor. Eso es lo que yo recomiendo.

Loos que van empezando llevan una ventaja grandísima, ahora hay muchísimos más sistemas. Ahora hay delivery que antes no existía. Entonces lo primero es trabajar en unión, porque donde ellos [restauranteros] estén, no van a estar solos. Siempre va a haber competencia y la competencia es buena porque nos ayuda y son leales. Eso es lo que le recomendaría a las personas que van a abrir un negocio nuevo.


It’s just like my dad says: “Could you guys work together? It’s better.” So, for example, in terms of competition, we helped another Dominican restaurant get an Otter system. I saw they had a whole mess between DoorDash customers calling GrubHub, printing orders through faxes, and checking [order statuses] via email. 

I was like, “It’s obvious you guys are struggling,” and they were using those little papers where they manually wrote orders. So, when you help, and everybody works together, it’s much better. In this case, my dad emphasizes loyalty and playing clean. You know, whatever bad you do in the world, it comes back one way or another.

Menu items from La Barca Restaurant in NYC.

Can you share a piece of wisdom that has guided you in your journey?


There's a quote my dad shared while working here that has stuck with me. It goes "Cada día mejor" which means "Getting better every day." It reminds me to strive for improvement, both personally and in business. When you do things right and work hard, you'll see how blessings come your way. It has been a great journey for the past three years, with growth in my personal and professional life, even during challenging times like the pandemic.

Have you encountered any professional athletes or celebrities at La Barca, being so close to Yankee Stadium?


Personally, I haven't had any encounters with pro athletes or A-listers at the restaurant. However, we do have around eight suppliers, and one of them has offered to provide tickets to Yankee games. Dad? 


A long time ago. David Ortiz asked for fish [from La Barca] that was brought to him by a guy who gave [Ortiz’s fellow baseball players] massages. One time, it was Rodriguez, who was from the Chicago Cubs. But they never went to La Barca themselves. Rodriguez went because he was the cousin of a relative of ours. But I don't remember. I do know that they asked me for fish and took it to Yankee Stadium. It was a long time ago.


Hace mucho, David Ortiz pedía pescado [de La Barca] que le llevaba un muchacho que les hacía masaje [a los jugadores]. Una vez, fue Rodriguez de los Cachorros de Chicago. Pero nunca fueron a La Barca. Rodriguez sí fue porque era primo de un familiar nuestro, pero no recuerdo. Sí se que me pedían pescado y lo llevaban al Yankee Stadium, pero fue hace muchos años.

Learn more about La Barca at the eatery’s Facebook page, and book a demo with Otter to upgrade your own restaurant!

Jun 27, 2023 | 12 min read

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