Here’s What Idaho Falls is Craving for Food Delivery

Data on food delivery in Idaho Falls brought to you by Otter, your Restaurant Operating System.


Average star rating in Idaho Falls

Tap into more online delivery demand in the Idaho Falls foodscape!


Average basket size in Idaho Falls

The average basket size at a Idaho Falls Restaurant is $29, meaning more online revenue for your restaurant business.

Idaho Falls top restaurant delivery partners:

1. DoorDash
2. Uber Eats
3. Grubhub

Most popular cuisines in Idaho Falls


Otter gives Idaho Falls restaurants super powers

We know running restaurants is hard. Otter provides simple-to-use apps and services that help restaurant owners maximize revenue, lower costs, and sleep well at night.

avg delivery platforms/store
Order Manager
Order Manager
Order Manager aggregates all of your delivery orders in one place so you and your team don't miss a single order.
avg cancelation rate
Live Monitoring
Live Monitoring
Monitor how your restaurant is doing with live alerts and real-time views that let you stay on the pulse of your business so you never have to worry about missing issues.
avg orders/store/week
Virtual Brands
Virtual Brands
Otter virtual brands help you grow your orders by 20% or more by creating new brands that leverage your existing kitchen, staff, and ingredients.
promoted orders
The Boost Promotions Engine can help you grow your order count & value by 10% or more by creating promotions that are automatically applied to your customers' orders.

In the past month, we detected an average store rating of 4.0 in undefined. Restaurants in undefined are connected to 2.9 online ordering platforms and see customers spend $29 per order on average. undefined restaurants are receiving an average of 242 online orders per week and have an average cancelation rate of 0.8%. Resturants in undefined use online promotions to drive sales, 3.9% of orders are placed with a promotion. The three largest chains in the undefined area are Subway, Maverik, and Arctic Circle making up 4% of all restaurants. undefined offers a wide variety of cuisine options with american, burgers, and salads leading the pack, representing about 66% of restaurants. The 3 largest online delivery platforms in undefined are doordash, ubereats, and grubhub making up 100% of all online orders.

What do Idaho Falls restaurants think about Otter?

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving food industry, every minute counts. That’s why more than 275,000 restaurants across the globe trust Otter to....

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Get a demo

Get a free custom quote and learn how Otter can help your Idaho Falls business grow. Here are a few of our key results:

- Increase revenue up to 10% with Promotions
- Reduce storefront downtime by up to 50% with Live Alerts
- Increase sales up to 50% with QR code dine-in ordering
